Saturday, June 20, 2020

Today in History, June 21, 2020

TODAY in HISTORY, June 21, 2020, JUNE 21, 2020
#todayinhistoryjune21 #21जुनकाइतिहास #Sunday #Earth #Sun #SummerSolstice
#WinterSolstice #YogaDay #WorldYogaDay #विश्वयोगदिवस #InternationalDayofYoga #अंतराष्ट्रीययोगदिवस #FestivalofMusic #WorldMusicDay 
● Today (21 June) is the longest day of the year. On this day, the rays of the sun stay longer. On this day, the inclination of the earth is highest towards the sun. In the northern hemisphere, these days are celebrated as Summer Solstice Day, or the summer solstice. Today is observed as Winter Solstice Day i.e. Winter Solstice Day in the Southern Hemisphere. There are also some areas in the Northern Hemisphere where the day remains for about 24 hours and there is no night. This happens due to the position of the Earth in front of the Sun.  Rather, during winter solstice, the duration of the day becomes shorter and the night becomes longer.
Note:- December 22 is the shortest day of the year, because on this day the rays of the sun remain on the earth for a short time.

● International Yoga Day.

● World 🎵#Music 🎵 Day.
any doubt.. please comment...
& thanks for reading...#2cstudybysj

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