Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Mathematics Day...


#December22 #22december #22दिसंबर
#mathematics #maths #गणित #MathematicsDay #mathematics_day
#गणितदिवस #NationalMathematicsDay
#राष्ट्रीयगणितदिवस #राष्ट्रीय_गणित_दिवस
#mathematician #Ramanujan #रामानुजन #SrinivasaRamanujan
#श्रीनिवासरामानुजन #श्रीनिवास_रामानुजन #birthday...
● day is observed as National Mathematics Day to celebrate the achievements of Srinivasa Ramanujan. The legendary mathematician was born on this day in 1887. In 2012, then prime minister Manmohan Singh declared 22 December as National Mathematics Day.
day is observed as National Mathematics Day to celebrate the achievements of Srinivasa Ramanujan. The legendary mathematician was born on this day in 1887. In 2012, then prime minister Manmohan Singh declared 22 December as National Mathematics Day.
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Friday, December 4, 2020

Indian Navy Day...

#December4 #4december #4दिसंबर #navy
#नौसेना #IndianNavy #indian_navy #navyday #NAVY_DAY #नौसेनादिवस
#नौसेना_दिवस #IndianNavyDay #Indian_Navy_Day #भारतीयनौसेनादिवस
● Navy  Day is celebrated every year on December 4 to commemorate the attack on the Karachi harbour during the India-Pakistan war in 1971. On this day, the Indian Navy's attack on Karachi harbour contributed to the ultimate victory of the Indian Armed Forces over Pakistan.
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Tuesday, December 1, 2020

1 December...

1 December...
#december1st #1stdecember #1दिसंबर
#in1665 #BSF #BorderSecurityForce
#BORDER_SECURITy_FORCE #BSFRaisingDay #bsf_raising_day #सीमासुरक्षाबल #सीमा_सुरक्षा_बल...
#in1987 #AIDS #AcquiredImmuneDeficiencySyndrome
#acquired_immune_deficiency_syndrome #AIDSDay
#WorldAIDSDay #World_AIDS_Day #विश्वएड्सदिवस
#विश्व_एड्स_दिवस #HIV #humanimmunodeficiencyvirus...
● The Border Security Force (BSF) is India's Primary border guarding organisation on its border with Pakistan and Bangladesh. It is one of the three Border Guarding Forces (BGF) of India, and was raised in the wake of the 1965 War on 1 December 1965, "for ensuring the security of the borders of India and for matters connected there with".
● an illness which destroys the body’s ability to fight infection.
HIV causes AIDS and interferes with the body's ability to fight infections.
The virus can be transmitted through contact with infected blood, semen or vaginal fluids.
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सरस्वती पूजा (Saraswati Pooja)

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