Friday, November 20, 2020

World Television Day...


#November21 #21November #21नवंबर
#tv #television #टेलीविज़न #TelevisionDay #television_day #WorldTelevisionDay
#televisioninventor #scottland #engineer #johnlogiebaird...
#2cstudybysj #2cstudy #crystalclearstudy #crystalclear...

Monday, November 16, 2020

International Day For Tolerance...

सहनशीलता दिवस...
#November16 #16november #16नवंबर #in1995
#tolerance #सहनशीलता #ToleranceDay
#Tolerance_Day #सहनशीलतादिवस
#सहनशीलता_दिवस #InternationalDayForTolerance
#International_Day_for_Tolerance #WorldToleranceDay
#world_tolerance_day #UNESCO...
● International Day for Tolerance is marked every year on 16 November in order to create awareness about the principles of tolerance. It is a day for respecting the cultures, beliefs and traditions of others and understanding the risks posed by intolerance.
Any doubt.. please comment...
& Thanks for reading... #2cstudybysj #2cstudy #crystalclearstudy #crystalclear...

Friday, November 13, 2020

14 November...

#14november #november14 #14नवंबर #JawaharlalNehru #जवाहरलालनेहरू #ChachaNehruBirthday
#childrenday #childrensday
#Childrens_Day #children #बालदिवस #बाल_दिवस...
#diabetes #डायबिटीज #मधुमेह #diabetesday
#diabetes_day #WorldDiabetesDay #World_Diabetes_Day #विश्वमधुमेहदिवस
#2cstudybysj #2cstudy #crystalclearstudy #crystalclear...

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Public Service Broadcasting Day...

#November12 #12November #12नवंबर
#public #service #broadcasting #day
#लोकसेवाप्रसारणदिवस #लोक_सेवा_प्रसारण_दिवस
● Public Service Broadcasting Day is celebrated on 12 November every year. The day is celebrated to commemorate the first and only visit of the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, to the studio of All India Radio, Delhi in 1947.
Any doubt.. Please comment...
& Thanks for reading... #2cstudybysj #2cstudy #crystalclearstudy #crystalclear...

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

World Science Day...

#november10 #10November #10नवंबर
#science #ScienceDay #WorldScienceDay
#world_science_day #विश्वविज्ञानदिवस
#विश्व_विज्ञान_दिवस #InternationalScienceDay
#international_science_day #in2001...
#2cstudybysj #2cstudy #crystalclearstudy #crystalclear...

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Radiology Day...

#November8th #8November #8नवंबर 
#xray #एक्सरे #radiology #रेडियोलोजी
#wilhelmröntgen #wilhemrontgen
#wilhelm_rontgen #wilhemconradrontgen
#radilogyday #radilogy_day
● Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen (born: 27 March 1845) was a German mechanical engineer and physicist, who, on 8 November 1895, produced and detected electromagnetic radiation in a wavelength range known as X-rays or Rontgen rays, an achievement that earned him the first Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901.
#2cstudybysj #2cstudy #crystalclearstudy #crystalclear...

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Today in History, 7 November...

#november7 #7november #7नवंबर
#infant #शिशु #protection #सुरक्षा
#infantprotectionday #infant_protection_day
#शिशुसुरक्षादिवस #शिशु_सुरक्षा_दिवस...
#Cancer #कैंसर #cancerawareness
#cancer_awareness #cancerawarenessday
#2cstudybysj #2cstudy #crystalclearstudy #crystalclear...

सरस्वती पूजा (Saraswati Pooja)

• शिक्षा वो चादर है जो गरीबी को ढक देती हैं ... ( Education is the sheet that covers poverty .) Vitality Coaching Centre