Welcome to... 2C (Crystal Clear) Study by S.J. : NO DOUBT, DOUBT IS OVER... ● for educational purposes only ... I want the future of the country to be good because India will grow only when India will grow. 📖 YOUR BEST TEACHER IS YOUR LAST MISTAKE 📝
Friday, July 31, 2020
Fear of Covid - 19
Thursday, July 30, 2020
First Mobile Phone Calls, July 31
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
Global Tiger Day, July 29
Today in History, July 28
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Kargil Vijay Diwas, July 26
Double Tree, The Bialbero di Casorzo
Friday, July 24, 2020
World's First Test Tube Baby...
● #25जुलाई 1978 में #आईवीएफ तकनीक की मदद से जन्म लेने वाले दुनियां की पहली आईवीएफ शिशु #लुईसब्राउन जन्म हुआ था। इस #शिशु का जन्म #इंग्लैंड के #ओल्डहैम शहर में हुआ। आईवीएफ तकनीक की मदद से जन्म लेने वाले शिशु को #टेस्टट्यूबबेबी भी कहते हैं।
( #louisebrown , the world's first #ivfbaby baby was born on #July25 #In1978 with the help of #IVFtechnology. The baby was born in #oldham, #england. The baby born with the help of #ivftechnique is also called #testtubebaby. )
★ In Vitro Fertilization ( I.V.F) : #invitrofertilization #IVF is the joining of a woman's egg and a man's sperm in a laboratory dish. In vitro means outside the body. Fertilization means the sperm has attached to and entered the egg.
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Thursday, July 23, 2020
National Thermal Engineer Day, July 24
Motivational & Inspirational
● Some people just pretend that they are with you...
#motivation #inspiration #motivational #inspirational #motivationalandinspirational #showoff #people #pretend #PRETENDERS #showoffpeople...
#2cstudybysj #2cstudy #crystalclearstudy #crystalclear
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Today in History, July 23
World Brain Day...
#July22 #Brain #मस्तिष्क #brainday #मस्तिष्कदिवस #wolrdbrainday #विश्वमस्तिष्कदिवस #parkinsons #पार्किंसन्स #parkinsonsdisease #parkinsonsawareness...
● वर्ल्ड फेडरेशन ऑफ़ न्यूरोलॉजी की स्थापना 22 जुलाई 1957 को हुई थी। यह सार्वजनिक जागरूकता और वकालत समिति द्वारा सुझाव दिया गया था कि 22 जुलाई 2014 को "विश्व मस्तिष्क दिवस" के रूप में मनाया जाना चाहिए।
( The World Federation of Neurology was established on July 22 1957. It was suggested by the Public Awareness and Advocacy Committee that 22 July 2014 should be celebrated as “World Brain Day”. )
★ On July 22, join the World Federation of Neurology and International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society as we move together to end...
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Tuesday, July 21, 2020
Pi Approximation Day...
Matt Stutzman, American Archer...
Monday, July 20, 2020
National Junk Food Day, July 21
#July21st #National #junk #food #day #NationalJunkFoodDay #junkfoodday #नेशनलजंकफूडडे #जंकफूड #avoidjunkfood...#health #healthylife #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #healthcare #takehealthyfood #takehealthydiet #healthyfood #healthydiet #eathealthyfood #eathealthystayhealthy #eathealthybehappy...
#2cstudybysj #2cstudy #crystalclearstudy #crystalclear
Longest Name Of Railway Station In India.
Sunday, July 19, 2020
Today in History, July 20, 2020
Corona Virus Facts....
#COVID19 #कोविड19 #Corona #coronavirus #CoronavirusPandemic #pandemic #virus #कोरोना #कोरोनावायरस #महामारी #विषाणु
● Distances had already arrived, in the era, Coronavirus came and took the blame.
#2cstudybysj #2cstudy #crystalclearstudy #crystalclear
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Today in History, July 19, 2020
Thursday, July 16, 2020
Today in History, July 17, 2020
#July17th #In2014 #WorldEmojiDay #emojiday #emoji #वर्ल्डइमोजीडे #इमोजीडे #इमोजी
● 17 जुलाई को दुनियां "World Emoji Day" मनाती है। इस दिन की शुरुआत साल 2014 में हुई थी जब जेरेमी बर्ज ने इमोजी के लिए इमोजीपीडिया शुरू किया था।
इमोजी अपने #प्यार, #गुस्से, #डर और #खुश होने का बेहतरीन जरिया बन चुके हैं। आजकल हर कोई अपनी भावनाओं को इमोजी के माध्यम से ही व्यक्त करता है।
( The world celebrates World Emoji Day on 17 July. The day began in 2014 when Jeremy Burge started EmojiPedia for emoji. Emoji have become the best means of their #love, #anger, #fear and #happiness. Nowadays everyone expresses their feelings only through emoji. )
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Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Today in History, July 15
Sunday, July 12, 2020
National Simplicity Day, July 12
#july12 #NationalSimplicityDay #राष्ट्रीयसादगीदिवस #राष्ट्रीयसरलतादिवस #SimplicityDay #सरलतादिवस
#henrydavidthoreau #हेनरीडेविडथोरो
● राष्ट्रीय सरलता दिवस हर साल 12 जुलाई को कवि, लेखक और प्रमुख ट्रान्सेंडैंटलिस्ट हेनरी डेविड थोरो के जीवन, कार्य और दर्शन को सम्मानित करने के लिए मनाया जाता हैं।
( National Simplicity Day is observed every year on July 12 to honour the life, work and philosophies of poet, author and leading transcendentalist Henry David Thoreau. )
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Friday, July 10, 2020
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
Today in History, July 8
#TodayinHistoryJuly8 #8जुलाईकाइतिहास #vascodagama #वास्कोडिगामा #india #भारत
● आज ही के दिन यानी 8 जुलाई 1497 को पुर्तगाली नाविक वास्को डी गामा भारत की खोज में निकला था।
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Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Monday, July 6, 2020
Today in History, July 6, 2020
( On 6 July 1885, the French biologist, microbiologist and chemist Louis Pasteur successfully tested the rabies vaccine. Rabies is also known as hydrophobia. Hydro means water and phobia means fear, meaning hydro and phobia, these two words have coined the term hydrophobia, which means fear of water. Which are the symptoms of this disease. Rabies is a type of viral disease, that is, a viral disease that affects the entire body, causing inflammation in the brain. Rabies is usually caused by a dog or monkey bite infected with rabies or rhabdovirus. Symptoms of animals start appearing gradually in people suffering from this disease. )
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Saturday, July 4, 2020
Thursday, July 2, 2020
World UFO Day
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
Today in History, July1, 2020
सरस्वती पूजा (Saraswati Pooja)
• शिक्षा वो चादर है जो गरीबी को ढक देती हैं ... ( Education is the sheet that covers poverty .) Vitality Coaching Centre
WHAT IS PERCUSSIVE MAINTENANCE Click on the link : What is Percussive Maintenance
ERNEST RUTHERFORD (अर्नेस्ट रदरफोर्ड)... #August30 #August_30 #in1871 #30अगस्त #अगस्त_30 #ErnestRutherford #Ernest_Rutherford #r...