Sunday, May 31, 2020

World Milk Day

World Milk Day...(विश्व दुग्ध दिवस)
#विश्वदुग्धदिवस #वर्ल्डमिल्कडे #worldmilkday #todayinhistory #1june

Saturday, May 30, 2020

World No Tobacco Day

World No Tobacco Day...( विश्व तम्बाकू निषेध दिवस )
#saynotobacco #sayno #notobacco #no #worldnotobaccoday #worldhealthorganization #stopsmoking
#saveyourfamily #savesociety #saveworld 
🚭 विश्व तम्बाकू निषेध दिवस 🚭

पालकी या डोली को इंग्लिश में क्या कहते हैं?

पालकी या डोली को अंग्रेज़ी में क्या कहते हैं ?
#english #word #wordmeanings #wordpower #palki #doli 
According to Noun...

● Palanquin - ( पैलन्ˈकीन्‌ ) - पालकी, डोली, मियाना, शिविका
Note: other wordmeanings of paalki:- sedan, sedan chair, litter, doolie, hand barrow
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Thursday, May 28, 2020

Praying Mantis

Praying Mantis

Praying Mantis:- कीड़ा जो अपने अगले पैर को इस तरह जोड़े रहता है मानो प्रार्थना कर रहा हो ।
● "Praying Mantis" अद्वितीय कीड़े हैं जो अपने सिर को 180 डिग्री तक मोड़ सकते हैं।
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Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Gold Fish

Gold Fish
Did you know...?
● एक गोल्डफ़िश(सुनहरी मछली, स्वर्ण मछली, ज़र्द मछली) में तीन सेकंड की स्मृति अवधि होती हैं।

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Social Media

Social Media
#limituse #socialmedia 
Source: JAMA psychiatry

Children who spend more time on social media become victims of depression.  Such children find it difficult to live together in society. the risk of deteriorating mental health in such children is three times higher than in other children.
Note:- Danger for the elders as well.
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Difference Between Alphabet, Alphabets & Letter

Click on the linkDifference Between Alphabet, Alphabets & Letters

Monday, May 25, 2020

Mississippi River

Mississippi River
#didyouknow #facts #mississippiriver """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
16 दिसंबर, 1811 को शक्तिशाली भूकंप के कारण शक्तिशाली मिसिसिपी नदी पीछे की ओर बहने लगी।

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Brother's Day

मैं और मेरे बड़े भैया...
( Me & my elder brother. )

Brother's Day

Brother's Day

Daniel Gabriel Fatenheit

Daniel Gabriel Farenheit
#todayshistory #may24 #daniellgabrielfarenheite 
● वर्ष 1686 में दुनियां को पारा तापमापी यंत्र देने वाले पोलेंड के वैज्ञानिक डेनियल गैब्रियल फारेनहाइट का जन्म पोलेंड के ग्दान्स्क शहर में हुआ था। तापमापी यंत्र में तापमान को मापने के लिए पारे का इस्तेमाल किया जाता हैं। डेनियल गैब्रियल फॉरेनहाइट ने ही 1714 में कांच की नली में पारा घुसाया और दुनियां ने उसे तापमापी के नाम से जाना। इसके अविष्कार के पहले आमतौर पर तापमापी यंत्र में अल्कोहल का प्रयोग होता था।

( Poland scientist Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit was born in the city of Gdansk, Poland, in the year 1686, who gave mercury thermometer to the world.  Mercury is used to measure temperature in a thermometer.  It was Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit who put mercury in a glass tube in 1714 and the world came to know it as a thermometer.  Prior to its invention, alcohol was commonly used in thermometer. )

● डिजिटल थर्मामीटर के इस दौर में कई देशों ने थर्मामीटर में मर्क्युरी के इस्तेमाल पर रोक लगा दी हैं क्योंकि मर्क्युरी बहुत ज़हरीला होता हैं।
( In this era of digital thermometers, many countries have banned the use of mercury in thermometers because mercury is very poisonous. )
NOTE:- Galileo Galilei invented a rudimentary water thermometer in 1593 which, for the first time, allowed temperature variations to be measured. In 1714, Gabriel Fahrenheit invented the first mercury thermometer, the modern thermometer.
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William Gilbert

William Gilbert
 #todayinhistory #may24 #history #williamgilbert #विलियमगिल्बर्ट
● चुम्बकीय शक्ति पर सबसे पहले रिसर्च करने वाले विलियम गिल्बर्ट का जन्म वर्ष 1544 में कॉलचेस्टर, यूनाइटेड किंगडम में हुआ था। विलियम गिल्बर्ट ने आकर्षण के नियम की खोज की थी और दुनियां को चुम्बक के महत्व के बारे में बताया था।
( William Gilbert, the first to conduct research on magnetic power, was born in 1544 in Colchester, United Kingdom. William Gilbert discovered the law of attraction and explained the importance of magnets to the world.
NOTE:- William Gilbert is credited as one of the originators of the term "electricity" and also remembered largely for his book De Magnete (1600). He is regarded by some as the father of electrical engineering or electricity and magnetism. But, Michale Faraday was also one one the great contributors in field of electricity.
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Friday, May 22, 2020

Carl Linnaeus

Carl Linnaeus
● कार्ल लीनियस या कार्ल वॉन लिने एक स्वीडिश वनस्पतिशास्त्री, चिकित्सक और जीव विज्ञानी थे, जिन्होने द्विपद नामकरण की आधुनिक अवधारणा की नींव रखी थी। इन्हें आधुनिक वर्गिकी के पिता के रूप में जाना जाता है साथ ही यह आधुनिक पारिस्थितिकी के प्रणेताओं मे से भी एक हैं।
( Carolus/Carl Linnaeus or Karl von Linne was a Swedish botanist, physician and zoologist who laid the foundation for the modern concept of binomial nomenclature.  He is known as the father of modern classics and is also one of the pioneers of modern ecology. )

● द्विनाम पद्धति जीवों (जंतु एवं वनस्पति) के नामकरण की पद्धति है। प्रसिद्ध वैज्ञानिक लिनिअस ने इसका प्रतिपादन किया। इसके अनुसार दिए गए नाम के दो अंग होते हैं, जो क्रमशः जीव के वंश (जीनस) और जाति (स्पीशीज) के द्योतक हैं।
( The binomial method is the method of naming organisms (animals and plants).  renowned scientist Linnaeus rendered it.  accordingly, the given name has two parts, which denote the descent (genus) and caste (species) of the organism respectively. )

● वर्गीकरण - विज्ञान के जनक 
( father of modern texonomy/texonomy )
[ Note:- Gaspard Bauhin, also called Casper Bauhin, (born Jan. 17, 1560, Basel, Switz.—died Dec. 5, 1624, Basel), Swiss physician, anatomist, and botanist who introduced a scientific binomial system of classification to both anatomy and botany...
Therefore, they also contribute in all these. ]

Noida Suicide Case

Noida Suicide Case
दीमक...लकड़ी को खाता हैं।
घमंड... इंसान को खाता हैं।
और सोशल मीडिया विवेक को...इसलिए सोशल मीडिया को अपने अंदर में रखे आप इसके अंदर में ना रहें...क्योंकि इंसान से सोशल मीडिया बना हैं ना कि सोशल मीडिया ने इंसान को बनाया हैं।
अब रही बात फेमस होने की तो आप अच्छा कंटेंट देते रहें, अपने आप पर विश्वास रखें और अपने स्किल्स पर काम करते रहें।
क्योंकि कोई भी स्किल्स एकदम से डेवेलप नहीं होती हैं..." It takes time."
Termites eat wood.
 Pride eats humans.
& social media eats conscience. So keep social media inside you, you should not stay in it. because humans have created social media, social media has not made humans.
Now the matter of being famous, you keep giving your good content, have faith in yourself and work on your skills.
Because no skills develop suddenly..."It takes time."

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Raja Ram Mohan Roy

Raja Ram Mohan Roy
#didyouknowfacts #india 
● राजा राममोहन राय को भारतीय पुनर्जागरण का अग्रदूत और आधुनिक भारत का जनक कहा जाता है। 

( Raja Rammohan Roy is said to be the forerunner of the Indian Renaissance and the father of modern India. )
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Today in History, May 22

Today in History, May 22

● Raja Rammohan Roy, who ended the pratice of Sati in the year 1772, was born in Radhanagar, Khanakul.

● In 2012, the world's tallest tower, the Tokyo Sky Tree, was inaugurated.
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Dolphin Facts

Dolphin facts

#didyouknow #facts #dolphin
● Dolphins do not drink water even when they are in water. other types of fish drink water but which fall under the category of sea mammals like dolphins... do not drink water. they also absorb water from the food they eat. that is, there is liquid in their food, they do not drink water separately. there is metabolic process of eating in its stomach and it breaks, due to which the lack of water in it is completed.
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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Today in History, May 21

Today in History, May 21

#todayinhistory #may21#21 #history #gk #fifa #sharadjoshi #sushmitasen
● In the year 1904, 'F.I.F.A.' ( Federation Internationale de Football Association )
Was founded in Paris.

● In the year 1931, famous Hindi poet, writer and satirist Sharad Joshi was born in the city of Ujjain.

Sushmita Sen is the first Indian woman to win the title of Miss Universe in 1994. On May 21, Sushmita Sen named this title in her name.
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अमिताभ बच्चन

अमिताभ बच्चन
#didyouknow #facts #amitabhbachchan 
● Amitabh Bachchan's father, Dr. Harivansh Rai Bachchan, first named him Inquilab but later on Sumitranandan Pant's suggestion he was renamed Amitabh.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Today's History, May 20

Today's History, May 2020

● In the year 1498, Vasco da Gama discovered the sea link connecting Europe and India. Vasco da Gama was the first European to come to India by sea.

● In 1900, Sumitranandan Pant, a well-known poet of Hindi literature, was born in Kausani, Uttarakhand.
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Monday, May 18, 2020

History Today, May 19

History Today, May 19
#didyouknow #historytoday #may19
● In the year 1913, the sixth President of India, Neelam Sanjiva Reddy was born in Anantapuram district.

● In 1934, the famous writer Ruskin Bond was born.

● On this day in 1974, the 3-D puzzle game Rubik's cube was placed in front of the world.  It was made by Arno Rubik of Hungary.
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Sunday, May 17, 2020

Today in History, May 18

Today in History, May 18
● In the year 1048, the Persian litterateur, poet Omar Khayyam was born.  He wrote important articles on many subjects, he also laid the foundation of many theories of algebra.

● Shree Pundalik, which was released on 18 May 1912 at the Coronation Cinematograph, Girgaum, Mumbai, is recognised as the first feature-length Indian film. Shree Pundalik was produced and directed by Dadasaheb Torne alias Rama Chandra Gopal.

● In 1974, India conducted a nuclear test.
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Science Facts

Did you know...Science facts

#Didyouknow...? #science #facts
The smell of an orange relieves stress. smelling an orange or eating one can reduce stress by over 70%...
● Consuming foods high in vitamin C, such as oranges and other citrus fruits, can reduce stress and boost the immune system. Intake of this vitamin can help lower the levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, and blood pressure during high-anxiety situations.
( विटामिन सी, जैसे संतरे और अन्य खट्टे फलों का अधिक सेवन करने से तनाव कम हो सकता है और प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली को बढ़ावा मिल सकता है।  इस विटामिन के सेवन से कोर्टिसोल के स्तर को कम करने, तनाव हार्मोन और उच्च चिंता स्थितियों के दौरान रक्तचाप में मदद मिल सकती हैं। )
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World Hypertension Day

World Hypertension Day

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Father of Immunology (प्रतिरक्षा विज्ञान के जनक)

Father of Immunology (प्रतिरक्षा विज्ञान के जनक)
#didyouknow ...? 
 ● Edward Jenner also known as the “Father of Immunology”, Edward Anthony Jenner was an English scientist and is famous for his discovery of the smallpox vaccine.
( एडवर्ड जेनर को "इम्यूनोलॉजी के पिता" के रूप में भी जाना जाता है, एडवर्ड एंथोनी जेनर एक अंग्रेजी वैज्ञानिक थे और वे अपनी चेचक के टीके की खोज के लिए प्रसिद्ध हैं। )

May 16

MAY 16● In 1929, for the first time, the Academy Awards were given in Hollywood, USA.  These awards are also known as Oscar Awards or Oscars. The Academy Awards were held for the first time as a private function in Los Angeles, California. The first Best Actor award was given to Emil Jennings for his performances in The Last Command and The Way of All Flesh. He was to return to Europe before the ceremony and so the Academy agreed to give him the award first, making him the first Oscar Award winner in history. The Oscar Awards are still considered the most prestigious honor of cinema.

● In 1975, Japan's climber Junko Tabei became the first woman to reach the peak of Mount Everest.

● Atal Bihari Vajpayee became the Prime Minister of India in 1996.
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Today in History, May 17

● In 1749, the famous British scientist Edward Jenner was born. He invented the 'smallpox' vaccine. Edward Jenner's vaccine is also considered the world's first successful vaccine. He first used this vaccine on 8 year old boy who was found to be successful.

● Today is World (वर्ल्ड) Hypertension Day.  Hypertension is also called high blood pressure. It started in the year 2005.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Today in History, May 15

TODAY IN HISTORY, MAY 15★ Philosopher, Brahmasamaji and the reformer Devendranath Tagore was born on 15 May 1817 in Kolkata.

★ Born in the Punjabi family on 15 May 1907, Ludhiyana Sukhdev's full name was SukhdevThapar.  He was a prominent revolutionary in the Indian freedom struggle. He was hanged on 23 March 1931 along with Bhagat Singh and Rajguru. His martyrdom is still seen with respect from all over India.

General Knowledge ( सामान्य ज्ञान ) || Facts ||

General Knowledge ( सामान्य ज्ञान ) 
|| Facts ||
● Canada has more lakes than the rest of the world combined.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Today's History (आज का इतिहास), May 14, 2020

Today's History (आज का इतिहास), May 14, 2020
★ Edward Jenner was an English physician and scientist who is famous worldwide for the discovery of smallpox vaccines. He is also known as the father of immunology.  The smallpox vaccine developed by him in 1796 was the first vaccine used in the world to prevent any disease.
★ In 1908, for the first time, someone flew in an airplane.
★NASA launched the special vehicle S-192 on 14 May 1981.
★ Mark Eliot Zuckerberg was born on May 14, 1984.

General Knowledge

General Knowledge
The Nile river is the longest river in the world at 4,135 miles (6,650 km), according to the U.S. National Park Service.

Interesting Facts About Ziraffe

( जिराफ़ के बारे में रोचक तथ्य )
★ Giraffes sleep using their own buttocks/backside as pillows.(see fig.)
(जिराफ़ तकिए के रूप में अपने चूतड़ / बैकसाइड का उपयोग करके सोते हैं।)

★Giraffes are the tallest mammals on Earth.
(जिराफ़ पृथ्वी पर सबसे ऊंचा स्तनधारी जीव हैं।)

★Giraffe blood is blue.
(जिराफ़ का रक्त नीला होता हैं।)

★Giraffes only need 5 to 30 minutes (capability 4 to 5 hours) of sleep in a 24-hour period! They often achieve that in quick naps that may last only a minute or two at a time.
(जिराफ़ को 24 घंटे की अवधि में केवल 5 से 30 मिनट (क्षमता 4 से 5 घंटे) की नींद की आवश्यकता होती है। वे अक्सर उस त्वरित झपकी में प्राप्त करते हैं जो एक समय में केवल एक या दो मिनट तक रह सकती है।)

★Giraffes spend most of their lives standing up; they even sleep and give birth standing up.
(जिराफ़ अपने जीवन का अधिकांश भाग खड़े होकर बिताते हैं; वे सोते भी हैं और खड़े होकर जन्म भी देते हैं।)

★The giraffe calf can stand up and walk after about an hour and within a week, it starts to sample vegetation.
(जिराफ़ बछड़ा लगभग एक घंटे के बाद खड़े हो सकते हैं और चल सकते हैं, एक सप्ताह के भीतर यह वनस्पति का नमूना लेना शुरू कर देता हैं।)

★Giraffes have highest blood pressure because it has a long neck. hence blood has to flow with a lot of against gravity.
(जिराफों में सबसे अधिक रक्तचाप होता है क्योंकि इसमें लंबी गर्दन होती है। इसलिए रक्त को गुरुत्वाकर्षण के विरुद्ध बहुत अधिक प्रवाह करना पड़ता हैं)

★Giraffes the same number of neck
bones as humans. Both giraffes and humans have seven neck vertebrae.
(जिराफों में मनुष्यों के समान ही गर्दन की हड्डियों की संख्या होती है। जिराफ और इंसान दोनों की गर्दन में सात कशेरुक होता हैं।)

★The group of giraffes are called towers.  This name is given because giraffes are also tall like towers (such as mobile towers).
(ज़िराफों के समूह को टॉवर कहा जाता हैं। यह नाम इसलिए दिया गया हैं क्योंकि जिराफ़ भी टॉवर (जैसे कि मोबाइल टॉवर) की तरह ऊँचे होते हैं।)
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History Today

History Today

(1) Dr. Rajendra Prasad served as President from 26 January 1950 to 13 May 1962. 

(2) The tenure of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishna lasted from May 13, 1962 to May 13, 1967.  His name is included in the first line of the great presidents of India. The entire nation will forever be indebted to him for his personality and gratitude. 

(3) Dr. Zakir Hussain (February 8, 1897 - May 3, 1969) was a freedom fighter and the third President of India and the first Muslim President whose tenure was from 13 May 1967 to 3 May 1969. 
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Did you know... facts... || Today in History ||

#Didyouknow #facts #todayinhistory...
The construction of the Red Fort (Lal Kila) in Delhi was completed on 13 May 1648.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

History Today

#DidYouKnow #Facts #historytoday...
(1) डॉ. राजेंद्र प्रसाद 26 जनवरी 1950 से 13 मई 1962 तक राष्ट्रपति पद पर रहें।
( Dr. Rajendra Prasad served as President from 26 January 1950 to 13 May 1962. )

(2) डॉ. सर्वपल्ली राधाकृष्ण का कार्यकाल 13 मई, 1962 से 13 मई, 1967 तक रहा। उनका नाम भारत के महान् राष्ट्रपतियों की प्रथम पंक्ति में सम्मिलित हैं। उनके व्यक्तित्व और कृतित्व के लिए सम्पूर्ण राष्ट्र इनका सदैव ऋणी रहेगा।
( The tenure of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishna lasted from May 13, 1962 to May 13, 1967.  His name is included in the first line of the great presidents of India. The entire nation will forever be indebted to him for his personality and gratitude. )

(3) डॉ. ज़ाकिर हुसैन (8 फरवरी, 1897 - 3 मई, 1969) स्वतंत्रता सेनानी एवं भारत के तीसरे राष्ट्रपति तथा प्रथम मुस्लिम राष्ट्रपति थे जिनका कार्यकाल 13 मई 1967 से 3 मई 1969 तक था।
( Dr. Zakir Hussain (February 8, 1897 - May 3, 1969) was a freedom fighter and the third President of India and the first Muslim President whose tenure was from 13 May 1967 to 3 May 1969. )

सरस्वती पूजा (Saraswati Pooja)

• शिक्षा वो चादर है जो गरीबी को ढक देती हैं ... ( Education is the sheet that covers poverty .) Vitality Coaching Centre